Thursday, November 20, 2014

New Mommy

So this post is long over-due, by about a month, but being a new mom makes me quite a busy girl. I had my daughter on Oct. 16th 2014 and she is such an amazing baby. She was very alert right out of the womb, and has proven to be the most opinionated newborn I have ever met. I have helped friends and family members take care of their newborns and she is quite different than they were. I love it! Even though it can make things more challenging at times. Some days I can get things done almost like normal around the house, and other days I can barely get anything done. She has not been feeling well lately, and needs to be comforted with snuggles most of the time. I can't lay her down for a nap on those days, I have to hold her so she can sleep. It started with the 3 week growth spurt (growing pains), and this week she has a bit of a cold. Unfortunately, she is too young for any cold medicine.

I confess I was not fully prepared for the difference between helping someone else with a newborn, and having my own. Pregnancy brain, as it turns out, takes some time to wear off after giving birth. And it's easier to panic when something happens with your own baby that you aren't expecting. Like when she cries and decides to hold her breath. I know to blow in her face, and I do, but it freaks me out so much more than it ever has before. Babies are scary little creatures! I love her so dearly, though. She is the most amazing little being ever.

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