Thursday, December 27, 2012

Love is Spelled: P O I S O N

Love. The ever fatal illusion that drives us to insanity.

The myth that we fight so hard to make a reality.

The poison fruit we are so eager to die from.

After it blurs our vision and makes us sound dumb.

Love is the cruel curse that Cupid shoots straight through your heart.

The poison arrow stuck there for every one but you to see.

Made of enchanted wood you can't just break apart.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Backward Society

What kind of madness turns children into targets?
Drives a son to kill his nurturing mother?
A giving being who was also a teacher?

What kind of biological glitch tells a child to shoot up their school?
Or even just threaten to take out their fellow students?
Has respect been scrubbed from the hard drive?

What is the sense of blaming guns?
The people holding the guns are the issue!
Certain types of people should be banned from weapons!
Rather than obliterating the "Right to bear arms"
The right to protect our families from harm.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Through Undead Eyes

Broken spirit
Shattered mind
Bleeding heart frozen in time
Dried up tears behind jaded eyes
Incapable of normal human interaction
Any trace of the little girl who had a glimmer of hope
Was long ago erased
Death came for her so early in life
Leaving behind the broken pieces of an undead eleven year old
Creating the illusion of a normal teen in the years to come
Was quite a challenge
She gave up trying at the age of fifteen
Deciding to embrace her darkness
The living around her reacted in harsh criticism
Not even trying to understand her transformation to her true form
She couldn't afford to care
This is who she really is
Masquerading as a living adult
Proves to be impossible for long periods of time
I have a unique prospective as an outsider to the living
The bigger picture is much clearer to me
While the details of human reasoning elude me
They aren't very logical creatures
Common sense and fellow feeling are rarely found among them
Though I have no soul, I can feel the energy around me
So cold, so hateful, so cruel and spiteful
This has to be the loneliest place in the universe
Very little trust
Betrayal and deceit so common it might as well be air
How are these people not suffocating
Drowning in the sorrow they create
How do they survive on so little good
This is something I will never understand
Holding hands with Death is more comforting than
Forming a relationship with the living

Monday, December 3, 2012

I Want To Feel

I want a love that feels like a storm raging in my soul
My heart should feel like a bolt of lightning electrifying every vein
My blood should be set aflame with pure emotion

Melt the ice in my blood
Break through the titanium cage around my heart

Revive the passion that once lived in my soul
Find the spark of hope that is lost and wondering around in the dark
Compel me to see you as my everything that is magical in my life

Somewhere locked away in this fortress I've built around myself
Is the kind, loving, and passionate woman I used to be
Barely hanging on to her last breath
Waiting to either die alone or be brought to life again